Our Bar

There’s nothing like a proper meal after a good workout. Whole and hearty food is best to speed muscle repair and glycogen replacement for effective post-gym recovery. Honestly speaking, go for a good meal as much as you can, and as much as your calorie intake allows for.

But for those situations where you’re short on time, or want to grab some on-the-go energy after a hard workout until you can cook or get a full meal, there’s Radar Bar.

What is Radar Bar?

Radar Bar is a protein bar that offers 15 grams of protein. Put together with nothing but natural ingredients, our base ingredients are cashews, home-made peanut butter, dates, and egg white powder. Our cinnamon and coconut ingredients are 100% natural too. There’s no added sugar, flavouring, colouring, or whatever else you can think of. You’ll get a tasty bar that fuels your workouts and buys you some time when you’re on the go.

What’s in a Radar Bar?

You’ll find nothing but natural ingredients here. Raw cashews, home-made peanut butter, dates, and egg white powder. That’s it, just 4 ingredients. We offer cinnamon and coconut bars too – 100% natural. They’re blended together and formed into a bar, which is then packaged in house and sent off directly to your doorstep. For more information on egg white powder, check out the “Our Protein” page here.

Our peanut butter

We make our peanut butter in house. We guarantee it doesn’t contain any sugar, salt, oils or preservatives of any kind, or anything else for that matter. Just peanuts.

The peanuts are lightly roasted, and then, once cooled, they’re slowly blended until they reach a rich, creamy but chunky texture. The freshly made peanut butter is then blended with the other ingredients to make a Radar Bar.


15g protein, 170 – 180 calories

You’ll get 15 grams of protein at 170 calories per bar (180 calories for the coconut bar). Radar Bar is a great energy booster to fuel both your workouts, and your busy days.

Each bar contains 12 grams of carbohydrates. Carbs are your body’s go-to source of energy, especially when training. They help keep your muscle energy (glycogen) levels topped up, and should be included in your meal plans to maintain a well-balanced diet.